Headed to AQS Chattanooga!

I received an email last week that this quilt was accepted into a BAQS Exhibit that will be held at AQS QuiltWeek in Chattanooga.  If you're wondering what that stands for, it is the Bad Ass Quilters Society, which I'm tickled to be a part of!

This quilt began as a top that I purchased last fall on ebay for $25.  It is vintage 1930's and was just beautiful to begin with.  The flowers were appliqued to white muslin, very simple.  I did a lot of echoing of the flowers and added a whole bunch of fill.  You might also see the secondary tile design.

It hangs fulltime in my studio and my granddaughter "pets" it each time she walks by.  That makes it all the more special!  It will be hanging in Chattanooga, September 10-13.


Beautiful Applique!


Crazy, Wonky, Red Vintage Quilt