Another Linen Collage!

I finished quilting a linen collage last week and while I had an able bodied 5 year old around, I thought I would make a short video on the beginning process of a linen on the long arm. I'll add that to the end of this post.

The "base" of this collage is a floral embroidered tablecloth with a crochet edge. Those vintage edges are what I really admire on these linens! Ladies took such time years ago to beautify everything! The center is made up of current day fabrics with two embroidered pieces on top of that.

The original embroidery on the tablecloth are the blue and yellow flowers and then the blue embroidered line along the edge. When I start one of these, I first stitch around the outer edge of the crochet edge.

After the outer stitching is done, I go around all the embroidery and outline it with my stitching. Then, the fun begins! I will admit the first steps can be somewhat tedious, but worth the next phase of quilting. At that point, think of it as a regular quilt.

I love the sentiment on this embroidery....."mirror, mirror, on the wall, who is the fairest of them all". Then it lists women, assuming those might be sisters in a family, or maybe the makers best friends! OK, now for my amateur video. Enjoy!


OKLAHOMA! Pillow Art Embroidery


A Very Feathery, "Crown Royal" Quilt