20 Hankies Make A Quilt!

I'm on a hankie kick! I realized, everybody has them, many collect them, and grandma left a LOT of them!hankiewholeYes, these are all hankies! Unbelievable really. The variety is stunning! This entire quilt was created on the long arm. I started with a 1950's tablecloth, quilted a nice circle meander over the whole thing, then began a sort of applique on top of the quilted tablecloth.I started with laying it out on the floor, placing each "block", and then using a blue water erase pen to mark where they would all go. I also numbered each hankie with the corresponding place on the tablecloth.hankienoquiltI actually started with the middle square and worked out. I used a mix of computer designs and my own free motion. Under each hankie is a piece of white fabric and another piece of batting. I also double batted the tablecloth, so there's a lot of batting on this quilt!hankie2Now, imagine these were your grandmother's hankies, put away in a trunk or dresser drawer for years. Wouldn't it be fabulous to put them on display?hankie11My home state, Kansas. I realized there really aren't many rivers across Kansas, especially when I needed more quilting lines! I let each hankie take on it's own personality. Enjoy the show!hankie3 hankie4 hankie5 hankie6 hankie9 hankie8 hankie7 hankie10 hankie1 hankie13 hankie12If you are a lover and quilter, or wanna be quilter, of vintage linens, join our Facebook group Quilting Vintage! for inspiration and support, and always, always, ALWAYS.....sign and date your work! Your great grandchildren will thank you!


The "Ladies Dream" Quilt!


What To Do With Vintage Hankies!