Quilting a Child's Painting

It all began this way. On the left, is a simply printed tea towel from my granddaughter. On the right, is the fabulous print that will create the border. HERE WE GO!

juneart0This may have been the most fun I've ever had in quilting! Probably because it began as the very simple artwork of my 3 year old granddaughter, Juniper. She printed it using fruit dipped in paint. I always say, I'll quilt anything, but kid art is the BEST!juneart

Appropriately keeping with the theme, I added this fabulous fruit print border I had picked up from my guilds' "share pile" the night before. I made it 6" wide, really not knowing where I might go with this project.


I wasted no time and got it on the frame as fast as I could. I didn't mean to work on it for so long, but it did consume about 3 days. I'm guessing it might have been 15 hours of quilting. I had no pre-plan and designed as I worked. Thread color is always difficult for me. It scares the BA-G-BEES out of me to use a contrasting color, always afraid I will make a mistake and it will JUMP out of the quilt! Thankfully, I had a couple of longarm friends who encouraged me to GO GREEN, so I dove right in!!! (the color is Kiwi, by Glide)


I used a double batting of 100% wool because I wanted some big fluff! This was all stitched free motion, so I used round templates and eyeballed a lot of the circles. I wasn't terribly concerned about perfection on this piece. I wanted to keep some of the child and whimsy that it was screaming!


Before going any further, I wanted to make sure to get a signature in. Since it is a collaborated piece, it deserved both our names AND a date!! Label and date your quilts! I like using my own handwriting. Try it, you'll be surprised that writing with your longarm will look a lot like your regular handwriting!juneart7Then there were the lines! I'm a little particular about lines, maybe OCD about them!!! I like them straight and I use my ruler, moving it along and beside the entire time. These are 1/8"-1/16" over the entire piece. Eeeek!!!!juneart6

It's hard to see, but I continued the line work into the border, adding a line of pearls at random spots.

juneart8After getting the circles where I wanted, lines where they needed to go, I went inside the painted circles and organically stitched where the paint had landed. I like the juxtaposition of the inside and outside circles.juneart10Then there were the rhinestones!! OMG!! I have waited for the right quilt to do some intense embellishing and this was the one! Once again, hard to see in photos, but I placed about 150 stones throughout. This was the icing on the cake!juneart11At this point, I was so thrilled I had put our names in before I even started. I got a little carried away and before I knew it I had filled in all the space! I let a few circles and ghosted shapes flow over into the border. I love asymmetry and use it whenever I can.juneart9Here is the finished piece before I stretched it onto an artists' canvas, next step! I wanted it to hang and be self framing, so the hubs helped and we stretched it over a canvas, stapling to the inside as we stretched. The hardest part was making sure we kept it centered and equal on all sides. I had also quilted it to the edge, so I had plenty of excess fabric to use for stretching.juneart15juneart14

And who doesn't love a back!!! Oh my gosh, I may love it even more!

juneart17I always believe the back of a quilt tells the real story. You can see things you will never notice on the front. I was sad that by choosing to stretch on the canvas, I lost the back view! Ah, well, "C'est la vie!"juneart12Before I let Juniper have it back, I hung it on my wall for a few days. I decided if it were me, I might hang it sideways. Pieces like this are so great, they can go a few different ways and you can have a new piece of artwork each direction! I hope you enjoyed this piece and are inspired to re-purpose a special fabric from a child. I guarantee fun!!!


IOWA, Quilted!


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