"Bohemian Dancer"
This is a recent finish by my customer, Leanne. I love the colors and the mix of fabrics! Jewel tones in cotton, linen. wool and silk. The design is by Lynn Schmitt Gallagher, A Different Box of Crayons. Definitely one of those quilts that needed to be touched in every special piece. Details.....2 layers of batting, 80/20 on the bottom and 100% wool on top, Glide thread in multiple colors to match each fabric. Enjoy the pictures!
This quilt is completely free motion quilted, using my Handi Quilter longarm. I used my rulers A LOT on this one. You can see my method in this short little clip. Have a wonderful weekend folks!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-TTbBr6U0eA