Common Threads Regional Quilt Show, Wichita, KS, June 21-23

I've worked my tail off to get to this week and finally I'm finished! My collection of vintage pillow covers from the early 1900's, will hang at the Common Threads Regional Quilt Show, June 21-23, in Wichita, KS. I have a total of 21 in the collection, with many more to complete in the future. This is only the beginning! My husband asked me the other day how many I had. Really, you think a girl counts a collection!!? LOL!

My dear friend, Marla, helped me stitch tabs on each piece for pinning and hanging at the show. Here are a couple of my recent finishes.

 Scroll through my website to see more in progress pieces. These are so dear to me. When I quilt them, I can almost feel the original maker working the original embroidery. Hope to see you in Wichita. Holler if you see me walking the aisles!


Hanging in Wichita, this weekend!


Pillow Covers!!! Display Coming Soon!