Quilted "Society Silk" Pansies!

OH, how I love this piece!!  I found it recently on Ebay, from a seller named Melanie....THANK YOU MELANIE!!!  I asked for the history and she said it was from an Italian area of western New York.  I always like to know where a vintage piece originates!  

I have oodles of vintage, embroidered pieces just waiting for me, but this one spoke especially LOUD and made it's way to the machine over the weekend.  I'm so glad it did!
What is Silk Society embroidery?  "Society Silk" or "Silk Society" refers to the Royal Society of Embroidery.  The Silk Society produced the silk thread and the embroidery patterns.  The Silk Society also promoted the cottage industry of producing fine embroidered pieces.  Favored by the "Society" women of the early 1900's, these are some of the finest examples of embroidery.  Strawberries and roses were some of the most popular patterns.  I have collected quite a few rose patterns, but have not seen anything to date as beautiful as these pansies!
Even in its original state I found it breathtaking!  This is how it began, straight out of the package.
The magic begins.....
There is some staining, but once I get it all stitched it's very hard to notice.  I am still toying with a "Retro Clean" gentle bath.  
I pressed it very gently, but once I baste all the edges it becomes very smooth.
I don't do any drawing or sketching on these, I just let them speak and work my way through or around the embroidery.  I outlined all of the flowers and then did a beautiful, whimsical feather in the center.  I try not to overuse feathers, but these elegant linens SAY they want feathers.  Crazy linens!
There you have it!  The rest was easy, a few more feathers, fill, and outlining the embroidery.
The handwork is stunning!  The ladies of yesteryear BLOW ME AWAY!  I mean seriously, their embroidery skills were amazing.  
Here are a few close up of the corners.  I may put a few beads on this one and I've chosen a burgundy, satin binding.
Finished size is 21" square and I will proudly hang it on my wall when finished.  I'm SO lucky to have found this beauty!

Vintage Embroidered Bird Quilt


"The Queen and Her Court"